INSTALLATION: To install the HAM2000 CD-ROM, log onto your CD-ROM drive and type "SETUP." You will be prompted for the destination directory and the drive letter of your CD-ROM. The setup routine will copy some necessary DLLs into the Windows directory and the program files into the directory you specify. To view the documentation, consult the HAM2000 help file or HAM2000.WRI. Please note that SHARE.EXE must be loaded to run the HAM2000 CD-ROM. If SHARE is not loaded, the program will not work properly and no files will be listed in the Programs List Box. INSTALLATION ERRORS: Occasionally a DLL will be in use when you install HAM2000. Make sure you close all applications prior to setup. If you still cannot install a particular file, it is generally safe to click on "IGNORE" and continue with the installation. If you encounter errors running HAM2000 following the installation, you can copy the uncompressed DLL found in [D:]\HAM2000 where D: is the CD-ROM drive, into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. DO NOT COPY AN OLDER DLL OVER A NEWER ONE! It is preferable to compare file versions using a utility such as Quickview (Win95) prior to copying. License Agreement: The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. ByteSize CD-ROM assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this CD-ROM. You also agree to not hold ByteSize CD-ROM liable for any damages, direct or consequential which may result from the use of this CD-ROM. By purchasing and using this CD-ROM, you are agreeing to all of these conditions. Copyright Notice: Copyright 1997, ByteSize CD-ROM, All rights reserved. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other product names mentioned are trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.